Yuvo Health compliance policies
Here at Yuvo Health, we work in an extremely regulated industry, which comes with challenging and nuanced ethics and compliance issues.
We’re committed to compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Doing so ensures that Yuvo Health continuously operates with honesty, transparency, fairness, professionalism and compliance.
A few things we’ve implemented across the organization:
We’ve made it a priority to formalize an internal Compliance Department, which culminated in the hiring of our first Director of Compliance in August of 2023 and the formal launch of our Compliance Program in September of that year.
We have a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct that defines how we work as a professional organization and continue to grow our catalog of policies and procedures — many of which are detailed below on this page. These policies listed below serve as the bedrock of our Compliance Program and establish the parameters by which we conduct business.
All employees are expected to take these values to heart and demonstrate them in their behaviors, decisions, and general conduct. As such, everyone who works with Yuvo Health should feel confident about our high ethical standards, our honesty, and our integrity.
I’m proud of the great work we’ve done to stand up Yuvo Health’s Compliance Program and am steadfastly committed to continuing to establish a culture of compliance at this organization.
Cesar Herrera
CEO and co-founder of Yuvo Health
Compliance policies
While this list of Yuvo Health’s compliance policies is comprehensive, it is not exhaustive. If you have questions about policies listed on this page or any other policies, please email info@yuvohealth.com.
Code of ethics and business conduct
Establishes clear guidelines for all employees and stakeholders regarding their conduct, behavior and ethical standards while representing the Company.
Fraud, waste and abuse policy
Establishes the Company’s commitment to the prevention, detection, reporting, and correction of fraudulent, wasteful, or abusive behavior by employees and/or stakeholders.
Anti-kickback statute and Stark Law policy
Establishes the Company’s commitment to compliance with the federal Anti-Kickback Statute, the Stark Law and all regulations, directives related to those statutes.
Antitrust law policy
Provides guidance to ensure that employees and stakeholders comply with applicable antitrust laws while conducting business on behalf of the Company.
Exclusion screening and employee background check policies
Establish the Company’s commitment to not employ, contract or otherwise do business with any individual or entity that is excluded from participation in federally sponsored healthcare programs.
Non-discrimination, non-harassment and non-retaliation policy
Establishes the Company’s commitment to the creation of a work environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
Non-retaliation policy
Further emphasizes the Company’s zero tolerance stance with regards to retaliation which is strictly prohibited.
Compliance hotline policy
Establishes the Company’s commitment to the highest standards of ethical, moral, and legal business conduct and its commitment to open communication, encouraging employees and stakeholders to raise concerns without fear of retaliation. The Compliance Hotline is anonymous and available 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year. Issues can be reported to reports@syntrio.com and must include the Company name.
Investigations policy
Reinforces the Company’s culture of integrity by ensuring that employees and stakeholders have access to channels for reporting unethical conduct and other suspected compliance violations and establishes how those reports will be managed by responsible parties.
General HIPAA policy
Establishes the mechanisms by which the Company safeguards the confidentiality of protected information from any unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
Minimum necessary standard policy
Establishes the Company’s expectations specific to employee access, use or disclosure of protected information regardless of the external source from which it is obtained.
HIPAA breach notification policy
Outlines the Company’s procedures for breach notification, including the processes for identification, assessment and reporting of breaches of protected information.